At the Safe and Together Institute they recognise the vital role we each play in identifying domestic abuse. Believing survivors and responding effectively will help ensure they get the help and support they need.
16 Days of Activism
Guest blog: ‘Everyone can believe, respond, refer’
Guest blog: Getting Support for Economic Abuse
Blog: Claire’s Story – How a survivor of domestic violence now volunteers to help others
Blog: A day in the life of an ISVA (Independent Sexual Violence Advisor)
Guest blog: Why domestic abuse is a business issue… and what employers can do
Blog: 16 Days of Activism against Gender-based Violence
Tackling Violence & Abuse Against Disabled Women & Girls | AVA

Written by Ruth Atkinson, Project Manager, AVA (Against Violence & Abuse) Women living with disability are twice as likely to suffer abuse than non-disabled women. They also generally suffer abuse for longer periods of time. Whether or not this comes as a surprise, these facts are pretty disturbing. And yet, this reality is often missed from …
Merton Council: Working To End Domestic Abuse and Sexual Violence
Join us during 16 Days of Activism 2017!

Saturday 25th November marks Day 1 of 16 Days of Activism 2017 – join us in saying NO MORE to domestic violence and sexual assault. What is 16 Days of Activism? 16 Days of Activism is an international time between 25th November and the 10th December to galvanise action to end violence against women and girls …