Written by Catch22 Last year Catch22 Victim Services raised awareness of the 16 Days of Action against Gender Based Violence with the theme ‘End Gender Based Violence in the World of Work’. The campaign focused on what employers can do to help their employees who are victims of, or affected by, domestic violence. This also …
Catch22: #WhatICanDo To End Domestic Abuse & Sexual Violence
The More We Work Together, The More R Kelly Will Be Held Accountable

You’d be hard pressed to open a newspaper today without someone in a position of power and in the public eye having allegations of sexual violence made against them. Bringing sexual violence to the forefront in part thanks to collective social movements such as #MeToo, #TimesUp and also UK SAYS NO MORE on this side …
Poem: ‘I Just Couldn’t Understand…’ by Margaret V Aberdeen

This poem is a kaleidoscopic view of my ‘life’. I wrote it after I was diagnosed with kidney and brain cancerous tumours. My childhood home environment was plagued with an abusive father who would beat my mother regularly and treated her like a second-class citizen. I used to climb up my favourite mango tree in …
Time Is A Great Healer: Releasing The Wounds of The Past

Read Margaret V Aberdeen’s latest blog post, taken from her upcoming book I’ll Never Be Hit Again: I am sick and tired of hearing the ignorance of some people ask a victim of abuse: “Why did you stay?” “Why didn’t you just leave?” “Other people have survived worse.” “Just move on.” “Get over it.” Or “Let …