On Monday 23 April, Victoria Derbyshire is dedicating the entirety of her live show to talking about domestic abuse, with a particular focus on refuges.
This is a brilliant opportunity to bring the issue into the public eye, and will break down some of the existing myths and misconceptions which currently exist about domestic abuse refuges.
As well as challenging these misconceptions, the show aims to raise vital awareness of the support available.
Victoria will be speaking to a number of women living in a domestic abuse refuge, managed by London charity Hestia, about their experience, as well as speaking to members of staff about their role and the practical and emotional support they provide to build the women’s resources for a life beyond their crisis.
Lyndsey Dearlove, Head of UK SAYS NO MORE, will also be chatting to Victoria during the show about our work and some of the support tools available to those in abusive relationships, such as the Bright Sky app.
The show will air on BBC 2 on Monday 23 April from 9am-11am, after which you can watch on catch-up here.