We’re so pleased to have Harrow Council on board as an official government partner of UK SAYS NO MORE.
Harrow’s range of domestic abuse services include
- IDVAs (Independent Domestic Violence Advocates)
- Drop in sessions at Harrow Women’s Centre
- Floating support
- Women’s domestic abuse refuges
Hestia works in Harrow offering domestic abuse services as well as older people’s services. Find out more about the services Hestia provides to those experiencing domestic abuse, including accommodation and community support services.
I have been an IDVA working in a multi-agency team for Harrow Council for 2 years. Working in the Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub has meant that I come into contact with all kinds of domestic abuse work ranging from low to high risk. Being based at the council has meant I have had a wealth of professionals around me such as social workers and the housing team. This has worked in my favour as I can pop over to see them if I need anything at all to further aid me in supporting the victim. The children services department have a number of programmes for parents that are suffering from DA which is fantastic. I can honestly say my time at the council has been amazing no one day is ever the same! – Nazia Mukhtar, IDVA.
The WISH Centre
In Harrow those in need of specialist support can also visit The WISH Centre (WISH) – a charity supporting young people into recovery from self-harm, violence, abuse and neglect.
“WISH have an Independent Sexual Violence Advocacy Service (ISVA) for young people who have experienced current or historic sexual violence, including rape, sexual exploitation, sexual harassment, gang-related sexual violence, child sexual abuse.” – The WISH Centre
Parenting Programmes
Within Harrow Council there are a number of Parenting Programmes, including the Triple P Parenting Programme, working with parents from all communities who have children between the ages of 9 to 16 years, Incredible Years, who work with and support families of young children with behavioural difficulties, and our campaign partner AVA facilitate the Community Group Programme for Children and their Mothers.
Domestic Violence Policy
A key element for organisations joining the UK SAYS NO MORE campaign as a partner is that we ask them to consider, if there is not one already in place, to adopt a domestic violence policy for staff.
Having a domestic violence policy in place means that employers can feel confident signposting colleagues to appropriate support services. Training can be provided where need be, to ensure that line managers feel they have the knowledge to firstly be able to identify the warning signs of domestic violence, and then to signpost those in need to relevant support services.
Harrow Council’s policy, for example, brings attention to the many barriers which may cause someone experiencing abuse to remain in a violent relationship, such as financial considerations, fear of lack of understanding especially if in an abusive LGBTQ* relationship, worries about losing their job, language difficulties, etc. Harrow Council’s policy also make it clear that managers should feel able to ensure the affected employee is aware of appropriate sources of support, and feels safe and secure while at work.
Harrow Council has also in the past run a campaign raising awareness of domestic abuse, including elder abuse.
We had the wonderful opportunity to present UK SAYS NO MORE to everyone at a recent domestic and sexual violence forum at Harrow Council. The response received was hugely positive and we’d like to thank everyone in attendance! The campaign can make the greatest impact when we work together to raise awareness of these issues.
“I am proud that we are the first Local authority in the Country to officially back this campaign to raise awareness and demand more action to end domestic violence.” –Cllr Pamela Fitzpatrick, Labour lead for Domestic Violence and Adult Safeguarding
We’re thrilled to have Harrow on board, and really look forward to growing further government partnerships across the UK. By working together we can make a real difference.
Interested in becoming a partner of UK SAYS NO MORE?
We’d love to hear from you, please get in touch with Lyndsey Dearlove, Violence Against Women and Girls (VAWG) Partnership Manager.
You can contact Lyndsey by email at Lyndsey.Dearlove@hestia.org or by phone at 020 7378 3170.
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